
Flushing items that don't belong in the sewer can cause major problems in your home's lateral and/or USD's sewer mains. Items such as sanitary products, dental floss, bandages, hair, cigarette butts, pet waste bags, disinfecting wipes, paper towels, tissues, facial wipes, and baby wipes do not break down like toilet paper and can create blockages in pipes. This can lead to messy, costly backups into your property and home, and can lead to sewer overflows. 

The National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) estimates that wipes in the sewer system are responsible for an additional $441 million in operating costs for US clean water utilities each year. In California alone, NACWA estimates wipes are responsible for causing $47 million in additional operating costs annually. Look for the "Do Not Flush" symbol on packaging of personal care and baby wipes. USD recommends disposing of ALL personal care and baby wipes in the trash, even those that are labelled as flushable. Help protect your property and the environment and avoid backups or overflows by only flushing the Three P's: Pee, Poop, and (toilet) Paper. 

Look for this symbol on personal care and baby wipes packaging: 

Do Not Flush

Only flush the Three P's!

3 Ps

For more information and educational resources, visit the Responsible Flushing Alliance website at: 



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Union City, CA 94587-2508

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