Groundwater Discharges
USD’s Groundwater Program
All reasonable alternatives to sewer disposal, such as legally permissible reuses, must be explored before discharge will be approved. When no other alternative for disposal of groundwater exists, USD may issue discharge permits for:
- Groundwater from site remediation projects
- Groundwater encountered during excavation
This Permit is a conditional Discharge Permit and approval of discharge is dependent upon available capacity in the sewer.
For specific requirements, limits, and fees for a groundwater permit please access the Groundwater Reference Sheet.
Groundwater Discharge Permit Application
Completed applications, supporting documentation and the processing fee(s) must be sent to:
Attention: Groundwater Discharge Permit Application Environmental Compliance Team Union Sanitary District 5072 Benson Road Union City, CA 94587 |
- Email at
- Phone: (510)-477-7500
Discharge is subject to all conditions of Ordinance 36.04 section 2.03 & 2.04.